Mobile App Development

Best Tips for Creating Successful Application Video Preview

Application Video Preview – The term application video preview means precisely what it says. This is a sneak peek of your mobile application development. Potential users can explore and learn more about your app with the aid of these movies, which can be up to 30 seconds long. You can access preview videos for apps in every area, including music and entertainment, business, and education, by paying a fast visit to the App Store. Every mobile application gets a preview video to go along with its store listing.

Creating a successful application video preview can be a challenge. But with the right tips, you can create a video that stands out from the rest and increases your chance of being accepted into the program of your choice. In this blog post, we will share our best tips for creating a successful application video preview.

Application Video Preview
Best Tips for Creating Successful Application Video Preview

Tips for creating a successful application video preview

Prioritize and concentrate on your most powerful product offerings

The secret to improving app installs from preview video viewers is to make your most compelling message clear and concise from the start. Choose the top 3 to 5 elements you have to offer in the same way you choose the order of your screenshots.

Remember that visitors are viewing your video to get a sense of the experience they will have and what they will gain if they choose to install your application development. Use this chance to highlight the benefits to the user rather than overwhelming them with features.

Begin your promo video with a bang

To put it another way, don’t keep the best for last. You just have 4 to 6.5 seconds to capture a visitor’s attention, as this is the average video watch time across all app categories. If that isn’t enough pressure, videos typically have a less than 20% completion rate, thus you should be expressing your major value points within the first 3 seconds.

This is where having previously ranked your features will come in handy – start with your stronger ones and add in declining order of significance. Even though the iOS Application Store permits up to 30 seconds of video and Google Play suggests between 30 seconds and 2 minutes, keep the initial 3 seconds rule in mind when creating the video. 

Application Video Preview
Application Video Preview

Choose your Google Play feature graphic wisely

The feature graphic is your most crucial visual for Google Play; it’s the static image that your movie begins with and the first impression a scrolling user will get of your application video Preview. And, as 50% of installers base their decision on your app store’s first appearance, it’s worth paying special attention to it.

It’s a different story for the Apple Store now that Apple has implemented auto play of the preview video on iOS, making the poster frame less important. However, for Google Play, the feature graphic might be used as an eye-catching initial screenshot for decisive users, or viewers who are less inclined to watch the movie. This graphic is essential for encouraging exploring users to watch your video and converting into a download. Because this image is pulled directly from the video files, ensure that it is not a random one that communicates nothing of value.

Think about music and text

Examine your video in two methods: with and without sound. Music is an excellent method to enhance the feel of your application and set the tone for the user experience. A meditation application preview video can benefit from peaceful, ambient background music. A game application video preview that shows the game’s music style immediately sets the tone for the game’s nature.

When the user sees your movie with the sound on, music is a terrific asset. However, consider that most people watch movies on silent on their mobile device while waiting at the doctor’s office or having lunch at work. Text overlays are especially useful at this point. Text accentuates the major idea you want the user to take away from the visuals even when the sound is turned on. Text directs and brings attention to the elements of the journey while your potential consumer is viewing your app in action.

Follow app store guidelines

Because video formats change between Google Play and iOS, Android’s standards differ from Apple’s. Application video Preview in Google Play require you to click the “play” button, which then redirects you to YouTube for viewing. 

Because videos on the App Store auto play, there are several unique App Preview requirements and technological factors to keep in mind before creating your movie. Knowing all of the characteristics and video standards ahead of time will save you time – and money – by preventing you from having to go back and edit more than necessary. Our first goal at the App Growth Network is preserving your brand reputation and showcasing and optimising the best of what your application has to offer.


App preview videos, like your app’s emblem, description, and images, are crucial components in attracting users. And just because they’re brief doesn’t mean they can be thrown together at the last minute. It takes time and effort to create an effective and captivating app preview video that effectively expresses the essence of your product. It necessitates strategy development. You’ll need to think about what kind of text and information you’ll include, what background music to utilise, and how to make your application stand out from the crowd. Whether you’re getting ready to launch your application or are just getting started, it’s never too early to consider what goes into making the finest app promo video.